February 11, 2025

7 Lessons I Learnt From My Dad and Mum – By Kindson

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I would like to share with you some to the lessons I learnt from my Dad and Mum as it related to the family. I always believe that my dad and mum were the very experienced and wise has so much to teach.
The reasons I want to share some of these lessons with you is because I spend the first almost twenty years of my life with them. I left home for the first time at little above 18. That was when I got my admission to study Computer Engineering in the Rivers State University of Science and Technology in Port Harcourt.
Our family happens to be a large family of 10, that is eight kids plus both parents. So you can see there is so much to learn.
Some of the lessons I learnt in life that still guide me are as follows:


Lesson 1: Put Jehovah First Right From The Start of Your Family
This is very important as my dad and mum were persons who were devoted to their service to Jehovah and took relationship with him very importantly. This would also mean living by divine values and principles in every aspects of your live. For those who share a different believe, the same applies. Live by principles and virtues that transcends normal human selfish tendencies. Don’t compromise these values for any reason or for any benefit. Stick to them no matter what.


Lesson 2: Prepare For Challenges Before They Occur
In life, there must be some challenges that would arise. Note that I say, “there MUST be…”. This means that right from the outset be prepared to manage challenges that may not even be there. You don’t need to wait for them to come before you start making your plans. You need to envisage them and decide what measure to take, right now. That would help you instead of giving up, you face them and handle them together.


Lesson 3: Carry Your Spouse Along in Your Plans
The relationship that my dad and my mum shared before her death in 2015 can be compared to a solid wall though there were stormy times. When they do thing together and transparently, the wall remains strong. On the contrary, when one person carries on with a plan without the other, cracks are created in the walls. These cracks can be mended or widened depending on how much they do things together. The key is: ‘fix the crack immediately you notice it’.


Lesson 4: Consider the Opinion of the Children
You know in Africa generally, there would be children. So a key to success in a family is to also put them in the picture and plan with them  as you go. This helps to create a strong bond between family member. So when the children comes together to make a collective recommendation, it would be ok to give attention to it and possible carry it out.


Lesson 5: Attend Functions Together
If possible, attend all functions and event together. Travel together, etc. This helps to create an avenue of communication between them. I remember many weddings I attended with my dad and mum together. Such memories are not easily forgotten. Another point is that when people always see them together, they have the confidence that they have the experience to help younger couple who would feel free to confide in them. In doing so, they strengthen the bonds further.


Lesson 6: Have Trust and Confidence in Family Members
That is one thing I always try to emphasise. This is because, your family is part of you. So you can’t be an island or a superhero without your family. Always believe the best about family members. Don’t create room for suspicion and mistrust. But when you find out certain lapses with someone, take steps to talk with him and give him necessary assistance if necessary


Lesson 7: Keep Family Matter Within the Family
Confidential matters of the family should not be carried to the outside. This means that you should not be complaining about a member of the family to someone outside or discussing negative traits of a particular member with someone outside. This creates discord especially when the person being discussed finds out that.
There are many other lessons but for now I think these 7 would suffice
I hope you find this brief article informative and if so, just leave a comment below.

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