February 11, 2025

The Story of a Very Pretty Family

Hello! Thanks for stopping by.
Last night, I spent part of the time lying on my bed and asking myself, how would an ideal family be like. The answer would be: ‘that would be the family to be like that of Oleander and Ray Yuba’ and I would tell you the reason in a moment. This is a story of a family that have stuck together through the times and continued to reflect what real love should be.

In the movie, Titanic was described as “The Ship of Dreams”, but for me, the family of Oleander and Ray Yuba is actually “The Family of Dreams”.

When I heard about Ray in 2006, I was actually in my final year in school battling with my project. Honestly speaking, I did not give as much attention as I should have. That was about the year Oleander met Ray in Port Harcourt and then love was born. From that time on….(you can meet them to compete the story for you!).

On thing that I love about the couple is the fact that the physical beauty we see is actually a tip of the iceberg compared to the beauty they emanating from inside, from a heart that loves their heavenly father Jehovah. This is the real beauty that does not fade with time, but actually grows with time.

Event of 10th Marth 2007
For sure, I wrote down this event in my diary, the year Oleander and Ray began their lifelong journey. That was in a Kingdom Hall in Eneka Road, in Rukpokwu, Port Harcourt, Rivers State. I had mixed feeling as a i know that a very beloved sister is leaving, but I was also comforted to know that she was in a very safe hands. I still preserver this picture for your perusal, though not very fine, but remember that each beautiful event have a history. So take some time to examine this my this photo so you can see what have changed not.

From that 10th of March in 2007, I have always been close to them, really close. Just to let you know, when I completed my NYSC and was down and out, it was Oleander and Yuba that saw me through those time. (Let me make this confession: The breakable plates I used in my first rented apartment was stolen from their kitchen!). Additionally, I visit their home from time to time as that was one place I was sure to feel at home here in Port Harcourt. Their home was really a home of hospitality.

Exit From Port Harcourt

If I have had to choose, I would have wanted them to remain in Port Harcourt as that was where I stay at the time(even now). But then as circumstances had it, they left Port Harcourt for Lagos in 2011 but have remained the pretty family I know.

How They Treated Mum

Oleander and Ray have always been close to mum, this i know for sure, and have also seen. They from time to time invited mum to come for a visit and took special care of her. Remember that ‘mma-ayi’ was the best mum I have ever know!. So the way they treated her was really so good and I loved to be around at their home each time mum comes around.

Jeffrey and Ofure

Years passed by and sure, the blessing of Jehovah would always show.

In 2008, Jeffrey Yuba was born I was there at the time. This little kid I can say resembles the father and the passing years years have proven that. This I know for sure for a kid i was very fond of.

Then comes 2011, they were blessed with another lovely kid, Ofure Yasmine Yuba, another lovely kid as you can see.

The 10 Years Anniversary

Just to let you know I started making this write-up when Oleander sent me a text that their 10-years wedding anniversary would be holding by the 10th of March. At the end of the occasion, I would give you the gist of the event, just check back…

Thanks a lot for reading a we see ways to imitate this fine family.

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